Recreation Advisory Committee


LOCATION OF MEETING: Sharon Community Center


DATE & TIME: June 21, 2012  7:00 PM




  1. Call to Order at 7:05 PM

Present: Gary (chair), Steve, Fred, Margaret, Laura, Mike

Not Present: Rick, Neil

  1. Motion made to accept Minutes from May 31, 2012 Meeting with changes by Steve. 2nd by Fred. Motion approved 5-0. Laura abstained.
  2. Director’s Report

Brett discussed questions related to the report that was given.

  1. Citizen of the Year

Committee discussed each candidate individually. They also discussed the proposal of awarding it to all three candidates as proposed by Mitch Blaustein. Gary called for a vote. Committee recommends Peg as Citizen of Year to the Selectmen.

  1. Summer 2012

Brett reviewed Beach Tag Sales, Camp Massapoag, Sailing, Beach Prep and Dog Feces.

Beach Tag sales are ahead of last year’s pace by $15,000. This could be a result of more people buying tags, people buying earlier than in the past or Maura doing a better job of keeping up with the input.

Camp Massapoag needs 1 more registration to break even. That is a great improvement from May’s meeting. Brett assured everyone that we would indeed get that one registration and more.

Sailing lessons for beginners are sold out. There is still room in intermediate and racing.

Beach Prep is on-going. The staff has been given a list of projects to get done when the weather is bad or turnout is light. Brett suggested all members head to the beach and look around at what has been done.








Dog Feces is counted each day by Brett. Brett walks the beach daily and looks for dog feces. He does this as the beach falls under the supervision of Recreation and therefore any changes to the policy effect Recreation more than any other. Brett said he walks the beach with Greg Meister and on the first day, they found six. Since then, none.

  1. Community Center Beach

Brett spoke about the lower parking lot and how it is still being used as a drop zone for the construction taking place on Massapoag Ave. Some of it has been cleaned up but access is still restricted. Cars are parking there on a daily basis and it makes it hard for construction vehicles to have access.

Gary asked that email be created asking the Board of Selectmen to step in and take care of the issue of the construction company using the parking lot as a drop zone.

  1. Facility List Review

The list was reviewed by the committee of projects or issues that need to be addressed on Recreation sites throughout the Town. The report shows an update from the previous month as what has been addressed.

  1. Sub-Committee Report

Steve passed out a draft copy of the report from the Committee that was asked to look into usage in the Community Center. The report detailed the challenges that the Committee found. Gail spoke about the report as she was a part of that committee. Fred asked that the conclusion of the report be changed to again hit on the items that need to be addressed by the Board of Selectmen, when the report is passed on to them.

  1. Old Business

Brett said that he met with Jay and Iris Rothberg as he does every year. The Michael Rothberg Foundation funds the Recreation Department Scholarship fund each year.  Each year, the foundation receives a report based on how their donation was used. The Rothbergs increased their donation to the Recreation Department by 20% for this next year.

Brett reported that a resident called and informed him that the shed for the Dog Park was marked incorrectly. Brett contacted Rob Maidman.

Brett said that Recreation was audited and changes will be coming about handling deposits in a timely manner.

Brett said he received an email from Glenn Brandt about the prior weekend involving SYBSA and an event being held at the High School. Brett issued the permit for field usage to SYBSA.

Gary asked about a monthly calendar of events for the committee.

  1. Motion made to Adjourn at 9:05 PM by Margaret. 2nd by Gail. Motion passed 6-0.